Join the team

Job vacancies

There are no vacancies with Watipa at the moment. Please subscribe to our monthly newsletter to stay up to date with our work and the latest opportunities to get involved.


Get in touch if you would like to join our network of consultants. We regularly apply for new contracts and put proposals together, and are always looking to expand our expert group. Register your interest by completing this short form.

Volunteer vacancies

Watipa is always looking for support from volunteers. At the moment, we are particularly looking for volunteers with skills in the following areas:

  • Communications – social media and media engagement
  • Accountancy – book keeping and financial records
  • Mentorship – supporting the development of the mentorship program
  • Sales, marketing and importing – helping us consolidate and set up an exciting new part of Watipa’s work

Complete this short form to register your interest and find out more about volunteering with Watipa.

Thank you for your interest in joining the Watipa team.