Coffee anyone?

We’re thrilled to announce that Watipa has been awarded a Scoping and Business Development grant from the DICE Fund of the British Council. We will be developing “Equal Grounds” – an exciting social enterprise and community development project involving coffee – with Rumah Cemara in Bandung, Indonesia. The DICE Fund is part of a wider two year programme, set up to tackle entrenched issues of unemployment and unequal economic growth in five emerging economies (Indonesia, Pakistan, South Africa, Egypt and Brazil) and the UK.

Equal Grounds will cultivate social entrepreneurship and creative communication with disadvantaged young people in Bandung to develop their employability skills, boost local and ethical coffee production, and stimulate the local job market. We will be looking at all stages of coffee production from seed to bean to mouth. Or in other words, a holistic approach that will look at growing, farming, producing, marketing, serving and drinking coffee. Continue reading “Coffee anyone?”

Young people: Leaders of today, and tomorrow!

“Being a Watipa scholar, acts as a motivation to do more for my community.”

Prudence Chavula, Watipa Scholar, Malawi

Here at Watipa, it is our view that everyone should have the opportunity to discover and develop their talents. It is not only in the future when societies will benefit from the ideas, creativity, wisdom and leadership of young people; societies around the world will also benefit today. But we need collectively need to listen, learn, enable and let young people take space and lead. Continue reading “Young people: Leaders of today, and tomorrow!”