Celebrating 5 years and the achievements of Watipa scholars.

11 June 2016. Now that seems like a lifetime ago, especially after the upheavals since 2020.

11 June 2016 was the first official registration of Watipa, as a social enterprise, with Companies House in the UK. The following year, the registration with the Charities Commission followed.

What has Watipa achieved?

We are immensely proud that to date Watipa has awarded 123 scholarships to young leaders in 9 low and middle income countries who intend to apply their education to give back to their communities. As of 2021, 23 Watipa scholars have graduated in fields including medicine, fisheries, veterinary science, communications, development studies, engineering and public administration.

Communities in Tanzania, Ghana, Malawi, Zambia, Nepal, Kenya, Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo, and South Africa will all benefit further from the vision, leadership and determination of Watipa scholars.

Who inspires us?

Watipa scholars and our generous donors in equal measure.

2020 was a year of great challenges and learning opportunities, as well as stimulating profound reflection – for every institution and individual alike. COVID-19 triggered a moment in time that has demanded innovation, leadership and lateral thinking in response to the pressing immediate concerns raised by the pandemic. For Watipa, the charitable activities in relation to the awarding of scholarships and mentorship support for the scholars remained unchanged. This is remarkable – and only possible, because of the even more remarkable unwavering support of our donors, and the commitment and dedication of Watipa scholars to continuing their studies during these challenging times.

Even though most of the scholars faced uncertainty about their studies during 2020, as educational institutions were closed and access to the necessary technology, data and bandwidth for online learning was challenging or unreliable, we celebrate the achievements of 12 young leaders who graduate in this cycle.

One of the inaugural Watipa scholars has just shared this quotation, which is the perfect summary of our five years so far:

“There is no such thing as ‘self-made’ man. We are made up of thousands of others. Everyone who has ever done a kind deed for us, or spoken one word of encouragement to us, has entered into the make-up of our character and of our thoughts, as well as our success.”

George Burton Adams (1851-1925), an American Medievalist Historian

We will be profiling our recent graduates over the coming weeks, so stay tuned for some good and inspiring news.

To all the friends, supporters, volunteers and scholars of Watipa – we salute you, and thank you for your generosity and vision to improve our world. Today you also share in our 5th birthday celebrations!

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